Google Gemma

Download ollama Client: 【Click Here

普通7B版 安装指令:(适合8G显存)

ollama run gemma:7b



ollama run gemma:7b-instruct-fp16


ollama run gemma:2b

Llama 27B3.8GBollama run llama2
Mistral7B4.1GBollama run mistral
Dolphin Phi2.7B1.6GBollama run dolphin-phi
Phi-22.7B1.7GBollama run phi
Neural Chat7B4.1GBollama run neural-chat
Starling7B4.1GBollama run starling-lm
Code Llama7B3.8GBollama run codellama
Llama 2 Uncensored7B3.8GBollama run llama2-uncensored
Llama 2 13B13B7.3GBollama run llama2:13b
Llama 2 70B70B39GBollama run llama2:70b
Orca Mini3B1.9GBollama run orca-mini
Vicuna7B3.8GBollama run vicuna
LLaVA7B4.5GBollama run llava
Gemma2B1.4GBollama run gemma:2b
Gemma7B4.8GBollama run gemma:7b


Setting custom filenames in Stable Diffusion – Comfyui and Automatic1111 webui

The Stable Diffusion ComfyUI is a powerful GUI for AI image generation, but it’s also known for its limited documentation and steep learning curve for automatic1111 users.

By default, ComfyUI generated images will be dumped in the output folder with the meaningless filename ComfyUI_00001_.png with increasing numbers.

Continue reading “Setting custom filenames in Stable Diffusion – Comfyui and Automatic1111 webui”

ComfyUI shortcuts – speed up your workflow:

Ctrl+EnterQueue up current graph for generation
Ctrl+Shift+EnterQueue up current graph as first for generation
Ctrl+SSave workflow
Ctrl+OLoad workflow
Ctrl+ASelect all nodes
Ctrl+MMute/unmute selected nodes
DelDelete selected nodes
BackspaceDelete selected nodes
Ctrl+DelDelete the current graph
Ctrl+BackspaceDelete the current graph
SpaceMove the canvas around when held and moving the cursor
Ctrl+Left ButtonAdd clicked node to selection
Shift+Left ButtonAdd clicked node to selection
Ctrl+CCopy selected nodes
Ctrl+VPaste selected nodes while severing connections
Ctrl+Shift+VPaste selected nodes while maintaining incoming connections
Shift+Left ButtonHold and drag to move multiple selected nodes at the same time
Ctrl+DLoad default graph
QToggle visibility of the queue
HToggle visibility of history
RRefresh graph
2 X Left ButtonDouble click to open node quick search palette
Right ButtonOpen node menu