如何解决NAS video station TMDB连接测试失败的问题



  1. 打开终端
  2. 访问NAS,输入密码
  3. 要管理员权限,输入密码
ssh 你的DSM用户名@IP -p 22
sudo -i


vi /etc/hosts


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How to Stop and uninstall Synology Active Insight & Hybrid Share.

Following Steps can help you stop then uninstall the Active Insight & Hybrid Share.

  1. Go to Control Panel and in the Services section open up the Task Scheduler.
  2. Click Create > Trigerred Task > User-defined Script.
  3. Name that task however you want, e.g. “Remove ActiveInsight on boot”.
  4. Select root as the user and Boot-Up as the event.
  5. Move over the Task Settings and in the User-defined script paste the following: synopkg stop ActiveInsight && synopkg uninstall ActiveInsight then click OK.
  6. You can now select your task in the task list and execute it manually with a click on Run. Shortly after, Active Insight should be gone from your packages.

This will ensure that every time your synology server starts up, the super admin (root) will automatically attempt to remove Active Insight. Since Active Insight should only come back with future software updates, which require a reboot to complete, this task will only run when necessary (or anytime you manually reboot your server).

Same as the steps above to get rid of Hybrid Share with the following commands: synopkg stop HybridShare && synopkg uninstall HybridShare

SSL certificate renewal and deployment via acme.sh for Synology DSM

How to Configure HTTPS on Synology NAS Using Let's Encrypt - YouTube
  • Synology NAS ( I have DS1817+ running DSM 7.11, anything above 6.2 should be ok) + your own domain ( I will use mydomain.com in this post)
  • Have Cloudflare set up for acme authentication ( Step 3 and 4 from this guide ) and have your Cloudflare API Token follow step 1 or Global API Key (This is possible with other DNS providers, you’ll need Email and Token https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh)
  • You will need to have a folder on your NAS for acme.sh and know a path to it (e.g I have a share called “Certs” and in there I have a folder acme.sh so the full path is /volume1/Certs/acme.sh)
  • This one is not really important, I just like to have a separate admin user, as you will have to use admin user/pwd and cookie combination to deploy the cert.
Continue reading “SSL certificate renewal and deployment via acme.sh for Synology DSM”

Install DSM 7.01 on PC with tiny-core repill

The best way i found in order to install DSM 7 in PCs with the necessary drivers to be included:

1. Download tiny core-redpill:


2. Unzip it.

3. Burn the img file to USB.

4. Plug the usb to the machine that is going to be used as server.

5. Boot via USB.

6. Open the command prompt (bottom right icon).

7. Execude one by one the following commands:.

/rploader.sh serialgen DS3615xs Y./rploader.sh identifyusb now Y./rploader.sh satamap nowY /rploader.sh backup now./rploader.sh build bromolow-7.0.1-42218Y

8. Reboot the device from UI (bottom left icon).Bootloader is now ready!

9: Download DSM 7: https://global.download.synology.com/…/DSM_DS3615xs…

10: Boot server via USB again.

11: You can find your server from another PC in http://find.synology.com/ and install the DSM 7 file that you downloaded at step 9.

tinycore-redpill automatically downloads the necesary drivers your PC needs to properly use DSM but if you done the process and you cant find your server in http://find.synology.com/ there is an network card driver incompatibility and you have to contact with pocopico here in order to add the proper driver: https://xpenology.com/forum/profile/23713-pocopico/ When I needed him he helped me and I’m really grateful!